Youtube Channel!!!
"Be pushed forward by your ambition for what can be, while you derive full benefit from what already is." - Ralph Marston
My last blog post, I AM WORTHY, really got me thinking. Why am I here? What should I be doing? What is it all for if I'm not sharing what I've got, right now, regardless of where I'm at?
After realizing how much I have been holding back, I decided to push myself a little. Sooooo....
I created a Youtube Channel!!!
I'll be posting different things like original songs, choreography, and vblogs, but do you guys have any other ideas on what I should post? I'm curious (and need help to plan my content)!
I have also decided to revamp my website. I will keep some stuff, but I want to make it more about me, and less about this "professional" concept I have in my head. Basically, I want my website to have the same feel of my blog. I want my voice to be in it. Not sure what that's gonna look like, but we shall find out!
Anywho, back to the main point of this blog post: I AM ON YOUTUBE!!!
"It's Me, CPIII!" (working title) is up and running with its first video! You can watch it here!
Be sure to like and subscribe! There is so much more to come!
Till next time, Y'all!
Work With Me
Apply for a FREE Strategy call with me. As an Empowerment Coach, Songwriter, and Performer, I have helped many find their own light… Now let’s find YOURS!
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Feedback, feedback, feedback!!!
I'd love to hear what you think about the video and any suggestions you may have for future vids!!! Looking forward to sharing even more of myself with you!